Saturday, March 31, 2012

Garden addition

This is my latest garden contraption. It is an attempt to grow vertical. I read about in a magazine and it just sounded so cool I had to try it. You take 4' x 16' cattle panels and bend them into a tunnel. That way vines can grow up both sides and my favorite part-you can walk under it. Well, I can, Konrad can't. Konrad helped me bend the panels (always good to have some muscle around) and then I used fence staples to attach to the inside of the railroad ties I'm using for the sides of my raised bed. The original idea was to attach the panels to the inner railroad ties, but we couldn't get them to bend that much and stay in place safely. Hopefully in June I can post a picture of these panels full of vines of cucumber, cantaloupe, zucchini and pumpkin.

Now, back to that greenhouse...

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