Saturday, August 30, 2008

Fencework and Goat fights

We have been busy adding fence, fence posts and gates to the ranch. We just completed a third, goat-secure pasture. Our friendly goat, April escaped within 4 hours. We think she jumped over the fence from a high spot inside the pasture. This new pasture is full of heavy brush. We took some BEFORE pictures and are looking forward to see how quickly they clear it out.

Our bully, Samantha, is not being nice to April. She just butts her for no reason, just because she is in the same vicinity. I feel bad for her. I'm considering getting rid of Samantha. I would really like to have really docile herd. The bad thing is that she is probably our best looking nanny. So it may be April that goes, if anyone. We'll see. Konrad thinks we should just keep them both. I just want them to be one big happy family. Why can't we all just get along?

Fencing Crew

The new corner! all three posts are new.

The gate is up, the job is complete!

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