Saturday, January 22, 2011

As Suspected

I had a sneaking suspicion we weren't done for the day. Mimi had twin boys this evening. She started acting funny yesterday and today appeared to be in labor but didn't move into active labor (pushing) until about 5PM. She had them both within ten minutes or so. I thought she would only have one, she wasn't very big. Kolin bet on twins and Kaden took the long shot bet of triplets. Konrad woke up and made it to the barn for the birth. Both of the billies are solid black. One was 8 1/4lbs, the other 7 1/2lbs. I think that's all for today, but we do have the last nanny penned up in the barn, just in case...we wouldn't want her to be outside tonight, too cold. Plus Night Train, the billy, was acting a fool when Mimi was in hard labor. So he has lost his barn priviledges for tonight.

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