Something very scary happened today. We had our first (and hopefully last)incident of a lost child. It was a VERY scary event.
I dressed KR for church, the went to change KC's shirt. When I came out of the bedroom, KR was gone. I thought I had heard the door shut so I looked out back but didn't see him. I had put his shoes on so he knew we were going somewhere.
I looked outside on the deck and in the driveway by his trike and sandbox but didn't see him so I figured he must be inside. I searched house but it wasn't like him to not be right where I was so I started to get worried. After a run through of the house, I ran outside and up to the street, he wasn't there. I went to the back and looked in the yard, the neighbors yard, calling his name, nothing. I went back inside, searched again, asked Konrad who was taking a shower if he was upstairs with him, no. I searched the house and yard again, then went back inside and got Konrad out of the shower to help me search for him. I asked him if I should call the police and he said, not yet. I really wanted to call. I wanted help on the way, pronto! We looked and looked for several more minutes, the street again, the toilets, the toy room, the car, nowhere. I asked Konrad if we could call the police yet, again he said, not yet. I was saying to myself, 'This CAN'T be happening, where is he?? I ran around the neighbors houses calling for him, Konrad headed down to the field. Then he hollered, "There he is!"
I have never felt such relief! I could hardly breath. I'm a bit teary just retelling it.
Konrad found him down in the field with the goats. He was a LONG way from the house! He must have run, he was only gone like 3 or 4 minutes. Not only did the 18th month old go down the stairs, but he must have RUN down the driveway, crawled UNDER the gate and went out into the field PAST the barn. I think he must have been crawling under the gate the first time I looked down there because normally I can see his head as he walks down to the barn, but if he was laying down I wouldn't have been able to see him.
So, thank God, we found him and he was fine. It is now many hours later and my adrenaline is just about back in check. Because of the delay we were late to church, but I figured I'd better go and not miss an opportunity to thank God for our wonderful healthy children that are now safe at home.